
8 Quick Facts About Milk

When most people think of milk, they think of cows, but there is a slew of new research available that suggests there may be an ever better alternative when it comes to benefitting from the healthy offerings of milk. The milk derived from goats is becoming an increasingly popular alternative, and with good reason. A long list of health benefits is prompting a lot of people to make the switch.

1. Some facts off the top

In addition to other superior health benefits, goat milk formula is incredibly rich in vitamins and nutrients. In fact, a study published in 2015 by the Government of Canada, compared goat and cow milk by 100g serving, it demonstrated that goat milk naturally contains more potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and iron. It also has less naturally occurring sugars.

2. Age might be a factor

Although some studies have suggested that goat milk should not be given due to very young children, due to their special nutritional needs during certain stages of development, it can be better for us as we age. In fact, the chemical composition and impact of goat milk on the mature body is actually superior to that of cow milk. Importantly, those who suffer from any degree of lactose intolerance will find goat milk easier to digest due to its much higher levels of healthy fatty acids.

3. Not just for drinking

As result of this higher content of beneficial fat, goat milk is also delicious when used in place of cow milk in other delicacies. It is often processed into cheese, butter, ice cream, and yogurt, which are especially delectable due to their high buttermilk content and incredibly rich consistency.

4. Processing costs

Despite the fact that goats only produce roughly two per cent of the world’s supply, it is actually significantly more cost effective to process because it doesn’t require homogenization like cow’s milk (the small fat molecules do not separate and remain suspended in the cream).

5. Additional health benefits

In addition to having more calcium than cow milk, goat milk also has special anti-inflammatory properties due to its unique enzymatic makeup. One of the reasons for this is that goat milk is actually much closer chemically to the composition of human milk, meaning that it not only causes less digestive stress, but also allows our bodies to absorb the nutrients in it much more effectively.

6. Boost metabolism and immunity

Much more nutrient dense than cow milk, a smaller amount of goat milk simply goes a longer way. Furthermore, due to the ease with which our bodies process it, as mentioned above, it can increase the absorption of iron and copper in the digestive tract, which prevents deficiencies, anemia, and helps ensure that our immune system is functioning at peak efficiency.

7. Grow and develop with a healthy heart

The high levels of protein found in goat milk can make it a key ingredient in providing the building blocks of cells, tissues, muscle, and bone with what they need to be strong and healthy. Stimulating overall health, the fact that goat milk contains nearly twice as many beneficial fatty acids as cow milk, means that it balances cholesterol.

A balanced cholesterol can prevent atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, and other coronary complications. As potassium is also found in abundance in goat milk, and is a key vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels and relieved tension on the cardiovascular system, it helps to reduce blood pressure.

8. Why not give it a try?

With all the additional health benefits, a lower environmental impact and a delicious creamy taste, goat milk just might be worth looking into as at least a supplement to, if not replacement for, your current dairy needs.
