
5 Popular Types of Plastic Surgeries for Men

Men used to shy away from having work performed on them in the past, but now that we’re in the 21st century, it seems more and more men are opting to have plastic surgery performed on them. Men are fast catching up with women when it comes to plastic surgery. Men are taking more pride in their appearance and it seems like it’s a trend that is going to continue. Here are several of the more popular plastic surgery procedures that men are having performed on them.

1. Rhinoplasty

This procedure is more commonly known as a nose job. This procedure can be used for correcting or reconstructing any defects to help restore functions, but it can also be used to aesthetically enhance the nose for the sake of appearance. After all, the nose is right in the middle of the face and is such a prominent feature that plays a part in how a person looks, and people want to look their best. Most of the time, people choose to build a bridge, smooth out a bump or just straighten it. Surgeries performed can take up to 4 hours and the patient is given a general anaesthesia. The full results can truly be appreciated several months after surgery.

2. Liposuction

Liposuction appears to be the most popular plastic surgery procedure for both men and women. It is a very effective method of getting rid of excess fat all over the body. Some of the more targeted areas are the tummy, hips, thighs, arms and buttocks. Liposuction is also used for smoothing out cellulite. Men (and even women) tend to have excess fat in their tummy area, so stomach liposuction is hugely popular. Having excess fat in this region can cause health problems such as heart disease. Internal organs are cramped and because the tummy area is pulled towards the front, it causes extra tension on the back muscles, leading to back problems.

3. (Male) Breast Reduction

Some men (and even boys) can suffer from a condition called gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts. This is cause by a hormonal imbalance of testosterone and estrogen but there are other causes too. This is a very embarrassing condition as you can imagine and plastic surgery can correct it. Sometimes, trying weight loss diets can still cause one breast to be larger and even sagging. Excess fat and tissue are surgically removed in male breast reduction to give the appearance of a more masculine chest.

4. Facelift

Older men are getting facelifts to deal with sagging skin and wrinkles. Facelifts can smooth out those deep forehead lines or get rid of jowls (fleshy or sagging flesh along lower jaws). A facelift for a man has to be performed by a skilled surgeon, so be very aware of this. Unless it is what you want, a surgery that is performed improperly can end up feminizing the face.

5. Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty is performed to help a patient’s eye area. Most of the time, it’s performed for anti-aging purposes. It can also be done for East Asian patients to create double eyelids. For some men, the eyelids can sag over time. For a truly dramatic effect, this surgery is sometimes combined with a facelift and a brow lift, resulting in a much more youthful appearance.

When you look better, you feel better about yourself. Men are no longer shy about having procedures done to take care of their appearance.
