
How to Get More Money from a Car Accident Settlement

Getting into a car accident is a problem that gets worse as it unfolds. First, you have personal property damage and potential injuries. Then you may have to seek medical attention and rehabilitation to recover during, at the same time, losing income because you are not working. To top it all off, you have to fight to prove fault and that you deserve a settlement.

This can be overwhelming, and unfortunately, insurance companies know this, so they try to make a quick settlement, leaving you under-compensated and unsatisfied.

What can you do about it? Here is how to get more money from a car accident settlement.

1. Conduct Your Investigation

This starts as soon as the accident happens. If you can, start collecting evidence at the scene. This includes:

  • Writing down the time of day and weather conditions
  • Getting a copy of any police report
  • Getting contact information from any witnesses
  • Taking pictures of the accident with your phone
  • Taking pictures of your injuries
  • Writing down details of how the accident occurred.

It’s best to write down as much information as you can because you may not remember it later. Also, keep a daily diary about how you feel mentally, your pain level and if your injuries improve or worsen. This information will help your car accident lawyer understand what you are going through to get a better picture of what compensation you deserve.

2. Seek Treatment

When you see a physician or family doctor, have them thoroughly explain their prognosis, treatment plan, and whatever they recommend, do it? Even if you feel your injuries are not serious, follow all recommendations they prescribe and make all the appointments. These can be:

  • Chiropractic treatment
  • Physiotherapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Rehabilitation program
  • Massage therapy
  • Neurological physiotherapy
  • Kinesiology

Get all paperwork showing what your treatment program is and how many visits you attend. This will be given to your lawyer to present as evidence in your case to get the best compensation you deserve. Remember to stay under your doctor’s care until they release you.

3. Don’t Speak to Anyone About the Accident

This may seem counterproductive, but you shouldn’t discuss your accident with too many people. The exception is your immediate family. Also, give out as little information as possible so it doesn’t get used against you. When you meet with the other party’s insurance company, have your lawyer present and let them speak for you. They know what to say and what not to do.

This goes for social media as well. If there are posts of you having a good time out, it paints a picture of less severe injuries, which will affect the compensation you are offered.

4. Don’t Succumb To Pressure To Settle

When establishing a compensation amount for a car accident, the insurance company will want to settle it quickly. The adjuster may try to put on pressure to convince you that you won’t get any more by waiting, but you need to hold out until your lawyer is ready to negotiate or go to court. The adjuster will always lowball you, so be patient and let the process happen.

5. Know All Your Damages

Most insurance companies will offer compensation for damages to your car and your injuries, but there are more damages to consider. These include:

  • Property damage
  • Medical bills
  • Meals and lodging
  • Loss of income
  • Rental car
  • In-home care
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment in life
  • Loss of consortium

Your lawyer will help you with all these damages and what compensation you can get for them.

6. Understand All Your Injuries

After a car accident, you may feel okay and can skip going to the hospital. This is a mistake because you don’t know what might be happening in your body.

There is usually an adrenaline rush after a car crash, and you will probably experience increased blood pressure, heart rate, shock, and stress. All these symptoms can mask pain and injury. Also, some injuries take time to present themselves, like:

  • Muscle and joint injury
  • Internal bleeding

If you wait to get checked out, it can be hard to trace it back to the accident once the pain hits. Even if you feel you are okay, go get checked out. This will show the insurance company that you went to get medical attention immediately. This will also get you on the road to recovery faster.

7. Hire A Qualified Personal Injury Trial Lawyer

You want the best representation possible, so find a lawyer well-versed in car accident injuries. Your lawyer must be experienced with going to court if necessary. This is a necessary expense that will pay for itself with a higher settlement, so try not to get caught up in worrying about their fee. Without a lawyer, you may receive a much smaller compensation offer and feel cheated.

This is how to get more money from a car accident settlement. Follow these steps and be patient as the process churns along, and in the end, you will get the highest possible settlement for your injuries.
